Shelton Bulldog Walking Club

About This Organization

The benefits of BWC for our students include:
• Increases energy in the brain making you ready to learn when class starts (wakes you up)
• Improves mood because the chemicals in your brain are moving and interacting with the rest of your body
• Improves heart health because moving your body exercises your heart muscle
• Allows you to practice using your social skills appropriately (kindness, courtesy, self-advocacy, friendliness, having fun with friends)
• Allows you to practice personal and social responsibilities (personal space, spacial awareness, taking turns scanning cards, walking/running safely and appropriately, responding to teacher and peers respectfully and kindly, resolving conflicts peacefully, getting help when needed, practicing inclusion and courtesy)
•Teaches students about goal-setting and how to compete with themselves and with each other respectfully

The Shelton Cornerstone Bank is providing $10,000 in matching funds exclusive to the Shelton organizations participating in Give Where You Live. Thank you, Cornerstone! We appreciate your generosity.

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