R.A.F.T. - Residential Assistance to Families in Transition

About This Organization

Residential Assistance to Families in Transition (RAFT's) program is not a hand-out, but it does provide a helping hand to those who are actively working towards becoming permanently stable. RAFT offers a temporary residential program in its five-apartment facility so that families have a chance to achieve stability. During their stay, families develop an individualized service plan that consists of goals and includes a requirement for all adults to work and/or attend school for a total of 40 hours per week. Typical plans also include mental health counseling, parenting classes, and involvement in various support groups available in the Kearney area. RAFT also provides on-site program components including support groups, case management, budgeting classes, and a mentoring program along with community service projects. All service plans build on the family's strengths and use these to overcome their barriers. An integral part of the RAFT program includes collaboration with area agencies. These agencies provide specialized services to the families to help them accomplish the goals developed in their service plans.

When ending homelessness, RAFT not only focuses on the head of household (parent) but on educating the family. RAFT wants to end the poverty and homelessness cycle for the entire family. Education, employment, and finances are three main focus points. All adults must complete their GED while in the program if they have not already received that or a high school diploma. Full-time employment and financial accountability then come into play. We work on paying off debt and getting financial control before the end of the program.

Our program averages an approximate 85-90% success rate. In the last 5 years, we have had 0 families return to homelessness. RAFT originated in Kearney and has been in the community 27 years.

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