Kearney Rescue Cats

About This Organization

Trap-Neuter-Return is a humane way to control free-roaming cat population growth. TNR involves safely trapping cats, spaying or neutering them, notching an ear, and returning them to their colonies. Maintaining healthy feral cat colonies will decrease cat intake for animal shelters, prevent new colonies from forming, reduce the number of homeless cats roaming in search of food and shelter, reduce the incidence of feline nuisance behaviors, improve the health of cats, and contribute to community safety. Feral cats are usually fearful of humans, but stray cats may have been socialized by humans and kittens can be socialized. Stray cats and kittens may be available for adoption, as well as cats and kittens rescued or just looking for a new home. As the community has become aware of our rescue efforts, we receive more calls about stray and injured cats, in addition to feral colonies. Medical expenses for ill and injured cats has greatly increased in the past year.

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