Kearney Area Barbershop Chorus

About This Organization

Singing is the first activity done on Feb 14th. We offer a rose, card, and a song or two. Through the winter the practice centers around songs for our annual show at the Merryman Performing Arts Center with a show date of March 29th, 2025 featuring our chorus, Quartets and a very special appearance from the Columbus High school Barbershop Chorus and their quartets. Traditionally we sing at the Kearney Cemetery for the Memorial Day Services followed by a pot-luck in Harmon Park. In the summer we sing for many churches in Kearney & Lexington and also at the Chapel of the Lake. We also sing at several Retirement homes and perform in the Cruise Nite Parade. We sometimes, upon request, sing for funerals, Celebrations, conventions and other events. Some of us attend the International Barbershop Convention where a new quartet and a new chorus are crowned champions each year. We also sponsor the 4-H Performing Arts Contest Awards for the Senior division. We help run a double booth at the State Fair and sing in the Nebraskappella! Day festivities. On Labor day the Veterans were celebrated and we sang four patriotic songs in the GI Event Center.

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