VFW Auxiliary #759

About This Organization

Our organization is small with 102 members (with about 15 active members). We hold our meetings and other activities at the VFW Post which is located at 2215 1st Avenue in Kearney. Our organization collects dues, has bake sales and quilt raffles to support our projects. We participate in lots of activities at the Veterans home here in Kearney purchasing Christmas gifts for the residents as well as providing prizes and volunteerng at BINGO with the residents. We also host the chili and soup festivities after the Veterans Day parade and help the post with their annual pancake feed. We participate in Poppy days with proceeds going to our Relief fund which is used to help veterans in need and for other donations in the community (Goodfellows, FirstResponders, memorial markers for our members and flags for the cemetery). We also support Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen projects which involve youth in our community. We offer small monetary prizes for their participaton and have a dinner recognizing them for their work. The Auxiliary supports the National Childrens Hoome for veterans and their children, we help support the Cancer Aid and Research fund, we support cancer grants to members, we help with Memorial Day activities and make donations to the veterans and family support fund. Auxiliary members also volunteeer in the community helping other organizations.

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