Boy Scouts of America, también conocido como Overland Trails Council

Acerca de esta organización

The American Automobile Experience, formerly the Classic Car Collection, is a diverse assembly of more than 150 classic automobiles which illustrate the evolution of the automobile and its role in our lives. Our goal is to present an entertaining, artful, and educating experience showcasing the major role that the automobile has played in history and culture, as well as how it relates to our modern lives. We need your help to advance our technology so that we can continue to offer a fun and interactive cruise through automotive history.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit venue with tax-deductible donations and volunteer opportunities. The automobiles and our facility are cared for and maintained primarily by our staff and wonderful team of volunteers. We have created educational programming that utilizes our exhibits as tangible links to historical topics and educational opportunities. We have several projects in the works for 2024, including building relationships with collegiate programs in the arts, mechanical, and marketing fields to broaden our educational range and community involvement.

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