Boy Scouts of America, también conocido como Overland Trails Council

Acerca de esta organización

The Elm Creek School Foundation hosts several fundraisers annually to give back to the school, the teachers, and the students. Teachers are encouraged to write mini-grants for specific items they need in their classrooms and school organizations are encouraged to request larger items needed for their success. The foundation also has several scholarship opportunities. Since 2005, we have given over $120,000 in scholarship dollars directly back to our students!
The Banquet ALONE has directly raised money for the elementary playground, Fine Arts, gym pads, band uniforms, a sound system for our gymnasium, and a new salad bar for the cafeteria!
Classroom grants and other giving include - an electric sign in the parking lot, 30 iPad minis for elementary, Digital Citizenship presentation, high jump and pole vault pits, a digital camera, a Quiz Bowl buzzer system, Tig Welder, stop saw table saw, microscopes, iPad headphones, Cricut, tower garden, graphing calculators, laminator and film, VEX robots, etc.

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