Boy Scouts of America, también conocido como Overland Trails Council

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From Cindy, mentor with the Teen Reach Adventure Camp mentoring program, TRAClife.
"I have been mentoring Suzie through the TRAC mentoring program. It has been a great fall so far and we are doing some super fun things together. One of the coolest things that has happened is that Suzie is helping me at an after-school program. I teach K-2 grade on Mondays. Suzie helps with the centers at the beginning of the night and is in charge of the play dough station or has been bringing a deck of cards and is teaching the kids how to play Go Fish. She loves the program and tells me how much she would love to go every day."
Because of the relationship that was developed at TRAC, Cindy is able to continue to help Suzie through the TRAC mentoring program, known as TRAClife. This is the difference that TRAC can make in the lives of others in foster care.

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